22 August 2009

A Week in London

Another eventful week in my life in London. We week began with moving. The movers showed up on Tuesday. There were two small men and one small truck. Sigh. At some point, they seemed to have lost their will to pack. And after a while, I lost my will to wait and carried on loading the "left behind" items in my car. The movers loaded and unloaded the truck three times. And I loaded and unloaded my car three times for a total of 11 times for me. Yowza! Time to get rid of some stuff!
I had a truck come on Thursday and pick up the futon, two end tables and two area rugs. My new place is much smaller than the other. I am busting at the seams.

Speaking of seams, the closets are freakishly small! I added a clothes bar to two closets, but I still have stuff resting on the bed, waiting for a [new] home. And once again, my bedroom furniture [dresser and master's chest] can't make it up the stairs. They are resting in the dining room. Guess I will need to switch around where I have my nickers stored! They'll be a little out of place next to the fine china! And by the way, the reason I have so many white shirts is because that colour does not fade! And everything fades in the laundry here.

Thanks to my friend, Pam, we have tackled unpacking the kitchen. My goal is to get the place "livable" this weekend so that when Mary Therese comes we can at least move freely around the house.

On Friday, our office headed to Hyde Park for a friendly game of cricket. Since I went to the 20-20 tournament at Lords I knew enough to be dangerous. We played 10 rounders. We had two teams: IT versus everyone else!

Our team won the toss, so we batted second [this is the best]. I did not bowl [pitch], but I did bat and I scored three runs! Couple of things I learned. Firstly, the softball stance does not protect the wicket; you've got to stand in front of it. Secondly, the softball swing turns the bat over putting the flat side [the easier side to hit] facing the wrong way, so somehow you have to accept the vertical holding of the bat. Thirdly, you've got to run fast to get to the crease [batter's box].
The other great part about playing in the parks here in London is that you can picnic! We had a spread of food [Scotch eggs, pork pies, vegetables, dips, breads] and drinks [beer and wine]. It was a beautiful day. And after, we headed to the pub! A great way to finish the week!