11 August 2009

British Summer

When Heidi was in town, on Friday we took the train down to Brighton, which is on the South coast of England. I had never been to Brighton, but I am familiar with British coastal towns and their [extreme] popularity. My plan for going down on Friday was to miss the hoards of people that would be there on the weekend. That assumption was correct AND it didn't hurt that the weather was cold. I was wearing shorts on principle alone. Then I had on a long shirt, a jean jacket and a Gore-tex jacket. And just to be safe, I stopped in the shoppe at the train station and bought a brolly [umbrella].
[Btw, to the left, that small yellow and red cluster on the "beach"... life guard station.]

So, we're off the train, through the town and to the beach. I use the term "beach" lightly as there is no sand. Just miles of round rocks. Not easy to walk on, especially in sandles. Of course, when we got there, it began to rain, so we took a few quick photos and then ducked into a pub under the broadway for fish n' chips. You must have fish n' chips when at the beach. About the time we finished our lunch, the sun came out and we returned to our journey.
We headed down to the pier. The pier is full of games, ice cream shoppes, and rides. We walked to the end and bought an ice cream. You must have ice cream when at the beach. We headed back towards shore. We got to the end, turned right and continued down the beach. Once we got to the end, I suggested we go up to the top of the Broadway for a different view.
Once we turned around, this is the cloud that what waiting for us:

Yeah. We got soaked.

By the way, this was int he paper yesterday. this is what it's supposed to look like [and what I was avoiding]: