05 November 2008

Moving House, take 2 & Guy Fawkes Night

Seriously. This falls into another chapter of You Can't Make This Up! This was all yesterday, mind you.

Showed up an hour late. Truck is broken. The truck place sent a guy to run dignostics on truck to confirm it's broken.
One packer had to leave to take it back. Now why didn't the guy sent to run the diagnostics come in an alternative truck, just in case?

Redirection at Post Office (Forwarding mail):
I filled out the form on-line before disassembling my home office, but couldn't submit on line because I have been a resident for less than a year. I took it to the Post Office. Post Mistress doesn't like the Net forms because the print is too small.
She announces [felt like it anyway], I didn't sign the form.
I need one form of identification from box A (passport) and two from box B (utility bills....which are all paperless).

I left to get two proofs of address (from list B) with fingers crossed that I had printed something within the last six months and that they hadn't been packed (in luck! Broken truck has stalled actually packing process!).
I signed the form.

Returned to Post Office:
Right. Well, you've signed in blue and they like black for scanning purposes. This will delay the process.
Form is out of date.
I ask, Should we start with a new form?
Her answer, well, they should have right form on the Net. [I guess we're going to use the form and continue to complain about it.]

I paid £37.40 to forward mail for a year. I wonder if it's a year from when requested, or when they finally start?

British Telephone (BT):
I have a rental line only. The last tenant (actually, it is the landlord, not the last tenant) never cancelled the account in their name. If I can get them to cancel, it will take 5 days to transfer the line. If not,15. Mind you, there is no new number assigned or anything. The number stays with the address.

Sky Satellite / telephone / broadband:
Waiting for BT. I am officially, once again, cut off!

Also accomplished:
Hired houise cleaners for house (one less thing to do!).
Booked service and MOT [some tri-annual check-up] for (ugly) Renault.
Booked annual check up for dogs.

Returned to Wimbledon:
Truck arrived 530. Dogs locked in master whilst guys unlaoded truck. Upset a neighbour by breaking culdesac parking rules. Dogs further stressed by neighbours shooting fireworks in honour of Guy Fawkes Night. Ashes falling on balcony!

Guy Fawkes Night (also known as Bonfire Night, Cracker Night, Fireworks Night):
Annual celebration on the evening of the 5th of November, celebrating the foiling of the Gunpowder Plot of the 5th of November 1605 in which a number of Catholic conspirators, including Guy Fawkes, attempted to blow up the Houses of Parliament in London. It was compulsory [required], by Royal Decree, to celebrate the deliverance of the King until 1859, but also in former British colonies including New Zealand, parts of Canada, and parts of the British Caribbean. It is also celebrated in the British Overseas Territory of Bermuda. Festivities are centred on the use of fireworks and the lighting of bonfires.