27 November 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

I sat across from a woman on the Tube [subway] yesterday that confidently announced as she boarded she "wasn't sure what to do with (her) new walker".

After sitting down, she shared that it was new. As we continued our journey, she shared with me that she was 85. She said, "Pretty good, don't you think?" and I couldn't help but agree with her.

Showed me the features of her new walker. It had a compartment for her purse, two cup holders and a seat if she needed a rest. She even opened it up so I could see how well it rolled. After opening it, she declared that she'd better collapse it again or someone might complain. Mind you, she and I were the only two in the car.

She said it's important to keep moving, and I agreed. She was on her way to Morrison's. She wanted to know if I had been there and I said, "No". She said it was a shop with good Scottish food at a good price [Morrison's is one of the largest food chains in the UK; it's hardly a "shop".] Just out of the Tube and off to the right.

And she shared some hard candy with me. She said it was good for when you're mouth is dry. She gave me one for now and one for my pocket.

Loved her spirit. Happy Thanksgiving all!