19 September 2008

Minn-e-SO-ta ... still feels like home

On Thursday, I packed up in the afternoon and headed for Minnesota. This is when my schedule really got crazy. I arrived in time for dinner with Kara and Kathy, two former students from St. Thomas. Kara is a VP of HR and Kathy is a partner at a law firm. Wow! A lot accomplished in a short period of time [I guess it has been 16 years since I left there!]. I got a hotel and went to bed for 2.5 hours and then got up at 1:00 am [now Central time] to write a presentation. At 2:00 I met with the CFO to review and from 3:00-4:30, I presented to the senior team in London. It was 9:00am their time. I went back to bed until 7:00. Got up, showered and then had another meeting, 8:00-9:00 with two colleagues in London. Then back to the presentation and worksheets, revising them and sending them off to my colleagues in London before COP [close of play] Friday ... which is 5:00pm their time, 11:00am my time. Then off!

I spent the weekend with Kimmers and family. Kimmers and Matt had their fourth boy in June, Henry, all under the age of 7! Amazing. They are nothing short of entertaining.

I got to sleep in Will's room and bed. The first night he stayed at his grandparents'. The second night he was asking his dad for his sleeping bag. What a trooper! My favourite story about Will was Kimmers finding him the previous week on the outside of the railing on their deck with his Indiana Jones hat, leather jacket and whip with a rope tied around his waist and to the railing and he was getting ready to jump to swing like Indiana Jones! And he was signing the theme song [you have to hear it in your head], da, da da da, da ta-dah...

Alex had a close call the weekend before at Minnehaha Falls. It was Adventure Day for the Corbett family. Alex ran ahead on the hike and suddenly found himself sliding off of the trail and falling 12 feet below to the rocks. He is okay with a couple of big strawberries on his arm and leg. I asked him what happened, and he said, "I fell off of a cliff."

Charlie is busy keeping up with his two older brothers and also seems to be forging out his own identity. Every-once-in-a-while, he steals away to a different room for some "awone time".

Friday night, my friend Baynes hosted a cocktail party for a "Looney Reuney" gathering. A few fun facts about Baynes. He has a great flat / condo in International Market Square in Minneapolis. He said this was the third time he was using his oven [think I've been there all three times], and when he opened his very posh/nice freezer that was nearly empty, I found the appliance owners and installation manuals in the freezer drawer. Guess he'll know where they are when he needs them!

Party attenders included recently married Susan and Eric; Sue [minus Ron, who was working]; Heidi [minus Barry; forget why, but he was missed]; Mo [looking fabulous] and Scott; Kimmers, Matt and Henry; and of course, Baynes, the host. It was great to catch up.

Saturday was a meeting over lunch with my financial planner [markets are down and everybody's losing; don't retire this year], then catching up with Kimmers and spending a little time at the mall. Much of my trip was spent acquiring "stuff". Clothes. M&Ms. Clothes. Shoes. Clothes. Don't think I can afford to come back for a while! We had dinner with all of her men and then headed out for a girls-only evening to see the newly released movie, "The Women". An all-star cast and the first time I've seen a movie in a theatre in at least 18 months.

Sunday, I had coffee in the morning with Shaunnie. Great to catch up on her recent trip "home" in Hahn, Germany with her husband, Rick. Looks like a place I definitely need to visit. I spent the day in St. Paul. Visit to the Bibelot and Creative Kidstuff. A Summit Pale Ale and Walleye fingers basket at The Tavern on Grand. I went to Linda and Dave's for dinner as they [literally] poured out of the car after spending the weekend in Grand Marais. http://grandmarais.com/
Biggest change I noticed for them was that the couch had been moved in the living room against the wall to make more space for Irish dancing. Leah, and her brother, Ryan [the mime] are both into the art.



I started my journey back to the UK on Sunday night. It was easy to sleep on my short [6 hour] flight after the busy two weeks I had!