21 August 2008

Aircon now works in car

Thought you would enjoy the residents from the field that the dogs and I walk in ... that made their way into our wood! Misty like to chase the cows. The cows have horns.

Okay, so I dropped the car off at the dealership on Wednesday after "the phone call". Wouldn't you know that just like in the States, the warranty did cover the aircon, unfortunately, it ran out 982 miles before I got the car in for service. It was 12-months or 12,000 miles.

In the end, the fan and aircon now work. I was actually cold today whilst riding in my car. Of course, the temperature outside has now dropped down to 66 degrees, but I am ready in the event it gets hot again.

This weekend it won't. The weather is now supposed to be warm here in the Southwest ... and alas, I am headed North, to Scotland. It will likely snow.

New Words or Phrases:
Mutatis mutandi - The necessary changes having been made

Frog marched - march a person against his will by any method

Grip day - as in, get a grip; you bring people together to regroup

Off your legs - to be overcome, knocked down or blown over

Whittering - muttering or whinging or whining
