25 March 2009

Visiting MN & Linda B's Birthday

After a rough month at work, I decided that I could use a little R&R [rest & relaxation] before my wings were clipped [my work permit is up for renewal which means I have to surrender my passport which means no international travel until it is returned].

So on a whim, I purchase [very reasonably priced] tickets to Minneapolis and arrived there last Thursday, 19 March. My intention was to surprise my friend, Linda B, who turned 40 on St. Patrick's Day. The night before I left, however, I posted a note on Facebook that announced I was looking forward to a break in MN. Linda is not usually out there, so I didn't think much about it. This time, however, she was, and she saw my post. Rats! Part of the element of surprise was ruined.

Thursday afternoon I met my friend Tone' at the Town Talk Diner in Minneapolis. We had some catch-up time, and then our friend Baynes arrived for dinner. As my clock was set 5 hours ahead of Central time in the US, I did pretty well. I even watched a bit of the 1st round of the NCAA basketball tournament, Texas v. Minnesota ... and Texas won, knocking MN out!

Friday night, I crashed Linda B's birthday dinner where she and her husband, Dave, put together a Raclette dinner; Raclette is a cheese indigenous to parts of Switzerland. This picture of Linda on the left is Linda saying, "Dave, I'm in charge."
The Raclette cheese round is heated, either in front of a fire or by a special machine, then scraped onto diners' plates. There is a modern version involves an electric table-top grill with small pans, known as coupelles, to heat slices of raclette cheese in. We used this. [No open flames around Linda B.] The cheese is brought to the table sliced, accompanied by platters of boiled or steamed vegetables, and perhaps seafood. Then each of us cook small amounts of meat, vegetables and seafood on the griddle and add the cheese. It's safer than fondue with boiling oil and very good!

As a part of her birthday, Kimmers collected stories about Linda from about 45 people and put them together for Linda to enjoy. It was hysterical. I'll highlight one, but let's just say there were quite a few to choose, ranging catching herself on fire, getting hit by a car...twice!, and screaming that a snake had dropped down her shirt.

This is a picture of Linda trying to read one of the stories.

We were camping in the Boundary Waters on a big trip of nine women. I think it was both Mo's first and my first trip. As we finally settled into our tents one night, Linda breaks the silence of the night by shouting, "What's that song? The one about the trees and leaves?" No one responds.
Linda shouts, "Come on you guys! It's my favorite song. "
And Mo begins to sing, "All the leaves are brown..."
And Linda shouts, "That's it!" which echos across the lake. And then Linda says, "what comes next?"

Saturday night, I crashed date night for Kimmers & Matt and we headed to downtown Stillwater. Some friends of theirs, Matt & Moxie, were celebrating 10 years of marriage and we met them at Ruby Begonia's on Main Street in Stillwater. Any place that you have to a) walk up the stairs, b) get to sit in large over-stuffed [primarily red] couches & chairs, and c) has live music ... has got to be a recipe for fun! Some might say there was too much fun ...

there was singing ["... sweet Caroline ... dum, dum, dum ... good times never felt so good ... So good! So good! So good!] ...

... there was dancing ...

... and then we were asked to leave. I had to go confirm for myself that we had really been asked to take a hike. We had. All-in-all, it was a good night! No permanent damage.

Sunday, I was able to finally get my Irish fix for the week and had breakfast with my friend Mo at Liffey's Irish Pub in downtown St. Paul. Mo is doing GREAT, celebrating 10 months of good health, though not without some worries now and again. Her family continues to grow [can't believe that Grace is two and Eli has long hair...he looks good!] and Scott continues to work on the house. The latest project finished was the dining room, complete with a new piano window. It looks great!

Sunday afternoon before leaving, I was able to join part of Linda's daughter, Leah's Irish Dancing programme. This this was the first time I had been on St. Kate's campus since commencement in Dec 1997, and I was back at the scene of the crime, back stage at O'Shaughnessy Auditorium. The programme was really nice and I'm attaching a video I took of Leah doing The Bowtie Dance. She did a great job!

And then it was back to the airport for me to make the trip home to London. I slept as much as I could, but wasn't nearly enough to hit the ground running on Monday. I bugged out of the office around 3:00 to rescue the dogs from the carers' house and because it was raining [sideways] and I was tired, I took a taxi from the train station. The dogs really don't know what to do in a taxi. They can't lie down and they can't hang out the window. They just sort of get tossed around the back between my legs and the luggage.
Thanks all. I needed that!