08 October 2008

Next stop: London

Well, after struggling with the decision since the middle of August, I have finally accepted the fact that I am moving to London.

In September, I accepted a new post as the Director of Business Development for our operation here in the UK. This means that I am in charge of new sales across the UK [this, by the way, does include Wales and Northern Ireland].
The picture to the left is of 13 of my colleagues at the Kettering Station. After a presentation, they all boarded a train back to London. I was on a track headed the opposite way to Bristol. Therein lies the problem. In theory, I should be able to run this operation from Bristol, but in application, it is very difficult to get things done remotely located. Out of sight, out of mind.

Additionally, the nice work-life balance I have enjoyed since moving to the UK is being nicked away as I have to make either day trips to London [spending 4 hours on the train and another hour commuting to/from the train station], or kennel the dogs and spend a few days in a row in London. The dogs and I are not happy with either of these scenarios. And by the way, there are no frequent traveler miles for being on the train. At least when I was traveling in the States I had a benefit to enjoy later.

This picture on the left is what it looks like to be caught in road works living outside of London. In this case, I was trying to get to Highnam outside of Gloucestershire. The actual road works was only about 1.5 miles long, but the journey time to pass through ranged from 45-minutes to 1.5 hours. Not a lot of work/life balance there either!

In the end, it seems like the best option is to spend less time commuting and reclaim the work-life balance, which is code for: take the dogs for 1-2 hour walks ... daily!

Now I just have to figure out WHERE. As you might imagine, finding a place to rent that accepts dogs is enough of a challenge. Factor that by two and add their size, and you have an entirely different set of issues!

Sigh. Ah well. Life is journey. Time to move to the next part of the adventure!