14 May 2008

Dog days ... of spring!

It's been a while since I have written about the dogs, so today might be as good of a day as any for an update.

It started out with our usual activity. The neighborhood squirrel was busy snacking on the squirrel trap food [peanuts in the bird feeder] and he [or she, who knows?] is making progress on chewing his / her way through the mesh to eat all of the peanuts.

This morning the squirrel was there. Allie was standing at the door, but truth be told, she doesn't care about the squirrel. In fact, I opened the door slightly, the squirrel saw Allie and promptly jumped onto the fence, across the yard and into his tree. Allie watched. What I didn't notice, is that Misty saw the squirrel from the landing in the house and was in full pursuit and headed for the door. Our timing was off as she had a head start on me and I couldn't get the door open fast enough, and she smashed into the sliding glass door! I'm not sure how, but nothing was broken, glass, teeth or nose!

As it has been unusually warm [75-80 degrees] and dry and the days are long, the girls and I walk every evening for about two hours. Tonight we took a bit of different route in our cow field. [Incidentally, there are about 1/4 as many cows in the field as there were just two weeks ago. Hmm...] The dogs were busy chasing rabbits, at least a deer or two [though I didn't see them] and these little "gophers" appear along the edge of the briers [Blackberry bushes and yes, they have big thorns].

We divert into the wood. Actually, a more open wood as it is windy and cooling down. Lesson learned for me: do not wear crop pants when walking through the Stinging Nettle. My legs are still tingling.

Anyway, we find the spring, dogs drink and Allie takes off on one of her many hunts. She does this a lot. We lose her for a bit. I call her back, and she returns. She returned this time looking more like a fox. She was covered in foul, cow-smelling, black molasses-like mud on her entire under-belly. The spring wasn't deep enough to clean her off!

When we returned to the house, she went straight into the tub as ALL of my carpeting is off-white [who does that-?]. We have no dog shampoo as I haven't bathed the dogs in years. Bluegrass Kennels took care of that for me [yes, they spoiled me]. I used some shampoo. Have I mentioned this tub is the size of a small boat, that to get the shower handle to work, you have to hold the knob up, and that my hot water tank is broken??? So is my back after trying to remove the pungent paste from Allie. And the way, the only time she is not happy is when she is being bathed.

Bfn! I'm off to the Emerald Isle!