05 April 2009

How I spent my birthday, 2009

Hello all,

Thanks so much for the good wishes and notes on Facebook for my birthday yesterday. It turned out to be a really nice day.

I booked a massage [pronounced ma'-saj here, with the emphasis on the first syllable] which, by the way, is French for "friction of kneading". So, I got myself kneaded, walked to Morrison's, and then shuttled up the hill to have dinner with the dogs.

We [me and the dogs] got up early and went for a walk on the Commons. I took some spring photos of our adventure ... today. Yesterday while we were walking, it was misting. I've got Goretex; can travel. The Commons were nice. No too many folks around, and because we were up early [and the weather] there weren't too many golfers out.

This picture on the left is how we get to the Commons. We walk through Wright's Alley [picture on right].

When I first got here, I thought it was strange that golfers, hikers, and sheep all shared the same space [that was in the Cotswalds]. Now that I live in the city, I think it's strange that golfers, hikers and people on horse back all share the same space. I think the golfers get the short end of the stick.
Generally speaking, hikers have the right of way. Since I have dogs, we generally move to the side when competing with space with horses or bicycles. Think I finally have the dogs "broken" [pun intended] from chasing the horses, but I cannot break Misty from snacking on the horse apples. Her other favourite treat on our walks is deer scat, generally abundant when we are crossing the fairways. It's so gross.

Okay, so horses pretty much stay on their paths, but don't stop for anyone. People on bikes have to give right-of-way to everyone, though Misty and Allie always seem to get right in one of a biker. They don't get the right-of-way thing. Runners dodge walkers, though Allie has tripped not one, but two runners. She cut corners close and wham! There was an on-coming runner.

The golfers just hope that someone notices that they are trying to play. On this course, they all wear red tops. Must be the course rule. Honestly, the only way that they could possibly stand out on the course with all the activity around them.

When the hike was over, I showered up and headed into the Village. I was thinking about heading into the city, but Westminster station is closed. We are cut off. I could take a bus to the next station, but that didn't look like fun. I stopped at a pub called The Common Room. It was actually pretty good. The greatest thing is that while I was inside, the weather outside turned a corner and it turned out to be a gorgeous day, about 64 degrees F [after my last blog entry, I ought to make you do the math!].
On the left is the fish mongers' shop. The windows flip open, likely an awning, and the fish monger serves you from the sidewalk.

I spent the rest of the afternoon browsing through the shops. When my arms got full, I had to go home. I stopped an Nicholas wine shop and picked up a nice bottle and headed back.

For dinner I had herb and seaweed encrusted pork chops, some homemade macaroni and cheese, and cabbage. Dinner of champions. Actually, dinner selected from the organic grocery in the village. They always have good ideas and local farmers featured.

Last thing on the list was to give myself a pedicure. All-in-all, it was a great day. Relaxed. Reflective. Positive.