07 February 2008

Been a while ... and windy!

Sorry all, for the delay in posts. My phone and broadband was down last weekend due to high winds. I left for Gloucestershire on Tuesday morning and I still didn't have either. I'm headed back home this afternoon, so I thought I'd quickly add a post just in case the lines are still down when I get home tonight.

Firstly, you may hear on the news that there was an explosion in London today. It was construction related and just down the street from our office [I'm not there, btw]. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/london/7232911.stm

New Word/Phrase:
Let's talk about the wind. Last weekend we had gusts of up to 70 mph, which is quite strong when you live on top of a hill. I guess it's quite strong anywhere because the motorways were tied up with turned over lorries.
Done & dusted: means that the issue has been resolved or the discussion is over!
Shrove TuesdayBI: as this week was the beginning of Lent, this past Tuesday was Shrove Tuesday in the United Kingdom, Australia, and Canada to refer to the day after Shrove Monday and before Ash Wednesday (the liturgical season of Lent begins on Ash Wednesday). This day is also known as Pancake Day or Pancake Tuesday, because it is customary to eat pancakes on this day! You are to use the eggs, butter and ALE in your refrigerator before they become temptations for Lent.
Okay. That's it for now. Must be getting home. Be safe, all!